Pricing Caps

In this example we will explore how to: 1. Price caps by settings a constant volatility and only using a single curve for discounting and forecasting. 2. Price caps by using two curves, one for forecasting and one for discounting. 3. Price caps by having an input volatility surface.

import QuantLib as ql
import pandas as pd

We initialize by setting the valuation date and defining our forecasting and discounting curve to be used in pricing.

# Begin by setting the valuation date of which the cap and the floor should be priced at
ql.Settings.instance().evaluationDate = ql.Date(1, 1, 2022)
# Then we initialize the curve we want to use for discounting and forecasting
discount_factors = [1, 0.965, 0.94]  # discount factors
dates = [
    ql.Date(1, 1, 2022),
    ql.Date(1, 1, 2023),
    ql.Date(1, 1, 2024),
]  # maturity dates of the discount factors
day_counter = ql.Actual360()
# Note that we will not strip a curve here, but simply use the discount factors and the dates defined above
# By default QuantLib DiscountCurve will log linearly interpolate between the points.
discount_curve = ql.DiscountCurve(dates, discount_factors, day_counter)
# The curve will note be linked in case we want to update the quotes later on
discount_handle = ql.YieldTermStructureHandle(discount_curve)

The next step involves creating an schedule of dates for which the optionlets of the caps will mature at.

start_date = ql.Date(1, 1, 2022)
end_date = start_date + ql.Period(12, ql.Months)

# We define the schedule of the cap and floor
schedule = ql.Schedule(
    start_date,                 # Start date of payments
    end_date,                   # End date of payments
    ql.Period(3, ql.Months),    # frequency of payments
    ql.Sweden(),                # Calendar for adjusting for holidays
    ql.ModifiedFollowing,       # Business convention for adjusting for holidays
    ql.ModifiedFollowing,       # Business convention for adjusting for holidays
    ql.DateGeneration.Backward, # Date generation rule for generating the schedule
    False,                      # End of month rule

# Create a custom index to track the payments correctly, specifically fixing days.
custom_discount_index= ql.IborIndex(

The last step is to define the pricing engine to use for pricing. We can choose between:

  • BlackCapFloorEngine

  • BachelierEngine

  • AnalyticCapFloorEngine

  • TreeCapFloorEngine

In this example we will precede with BlackCapFloorEngine.

# As you have noted by now, the pricing of caps and floors involves creating a floating leg
ibor_leg_discount = ql.IborLeg([1e6], schedule, custom_discount_index)
strike = [0.025]
cap_discount = ql.Cap(ibor_leg_discount, strike)

# The final step is to define a volatility surface, we will use a constant volatility for simplicity
volatility = ql.QuoteHandle(ql.SimpleQuote(0.5))

# Input our discounting and forecasting curve together with our volatility surface to the engine
engine = ql.BlackCapFloorEngine(discount_handle, volatility)

At last we want to show our results of the seperate optionlets.

schedule_dates = schedule.dates()

display_result = lambda _ : pd.DataFrame({
    'price': _.optionletsPrice(),
    'discount_factor': _.optionletsDiscountFactor(),
    'cap_rate': _.capRates(),
    'atm_forward': _.optionletsAtmForward(),
    'std_dev': _.optionletsStdDev(),
    'accrual_start': schedule_dates[:-1],
    'accrual_end' : schedule_dates[1:]

price discount_factor cap_rate atm_forward std_dev accrual_start accrual_end
0 2493.450264 0.991254 0.025 0.035290 0.037012 January 3rd, 2022 April 1st, 2022
1 2625.359083 0.982488 0.025 0.035296 0.248282 April 1st, 2022 July 1st, 2022
2 2846.309041 0.973515 0.025 0.035301 0.352097 July 1st, 2022 October 3rd, 2022
3 2866.465047 0.964931 0.025 0.035193 0.434000 October 3rd, 2022 January 2nd, 2023

Considering that we have used only one curve as discounting and forecasting, we will now add a second curve for forecasting.

ql.Settings.instance().evaluationDate = ql.Date(1, 1, 2022)

# Similiar to the discount curve we declared previously
forward_rates = [0.04, 0.05, 0.06]
forward_curve = ql.ForwardCurve(dates, forward_rates, day_counter)
forward_handle = ql.YieldTermStructureHandle(forward_curve)
# Create a new index that uses the forward curve for forecasting
custom_forward_index= ql.IborIndex(
    forward_handle, # Previously was set to discount_handle
# Define a new ibor_leg & cap that uses the new index with forward estimation
ibor_leg_forward = ql.IborLeg([1e6], schedule, custom_forward_index)
cap_forward = ql.Cap(ibor_leg_forward, strike)

# Input our discounting and forecasting curve together with our volatility surface to the engine
engine_forward = ql.BlackCapFloorEngine(discount_handle, volatility)
schedule_dates = schedule.dates()
price discount_factor cap_rate atm_forward std_dev accrual_start accrual_end
0 6132.002083 0.991254 0.025 0.050307 0.037012 January 3rd, 2022 April 1st, 2022
1 6289.142138 0.982488 0.025 0.050317 0.248282 April 1st, 2022 July 1st, 2022
2 6465.774497 0.973515 0.025 0.050328 0.352097 July 1st, 2022 October 3rd, 2022
3 6284.877495 0.964931 0.025 0.050429 0.434000 October 3rd, 2022 January 2nd, 2023

The last step is to consider to have a full volatility surface instead of a constant one.

# Set the settlement day of the volatility surface
settlementDays = 0

# Define the expiries for the volatility surface
expiries = [ql.Period("3M"), ql.Period("6M"), ql.Period("9M"), ql.Period("1Y")]

# Define the strikes for the volatility surface
strikes = [0.010, 0.025, 0.03]

# Define the market quotes for the volatility surface
black_volatility = [[0.98, 0.792, 0.6873], [0.9301, 0.7401, 0.6403], [0.7926, 0.6424, 0.5602], [0.7126, 0.6024, 0.4902]]

# Create a new volatility surface
volatility_surface = ql.CapFloorTermVolSurface(
# Strip the volatility surface for optionlets (caplets) as the input is based on caps
optionlet_surf = ql.OptionletStripper1(volatility_surface, custom_forward_index)

# Call strippedOptionletAdapter to create a handle for the volatility surface
ovs_handle = ql.OptionletVolatilityStructureHandle(

cap_volatility = ql.Cap(ibor_leg_forward, strike)
# Input our discounting and forecasting curve together with our volatility surface to the engine
engine_volatility = ql.BlackCapFloorEngine(discount_handle, ovs_handle)
price discount_factor cap_rate atm_forward std_dev accrual_start accrual_end
0 6132.002083 0.991254 0.025 0.050307 0.000000 January 3rd, 2022 April 1st, 2022
1 6325.268247 0.982488 0.025 0.050317 0.372127 April 1st, 2022 July 1st, 2022
2 6526.008974 0.973515 0.025 0.050328 0.434983 July 1st, 2022 October 3rd, 2022
3 6357.009614 0.964931 0.025 0.050429 0.500385 October 3rd, 2022 January 2nd, 2023